European Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
Dear colleagues and friends,
We are pleased to invite you to the first online version of an EABCT Congress! Unfortunately, due to the restriction imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, we will not have the opportunity to welcome you to Athens to celebrate in vivo the 50th anniversary of EABCT but we hope that the online meeting will be an equally exciting and scientifically rewarding experience
We are preparing a rich and stimulating scientific programme aiming to present, interpret and discuss the latest scientific findings, explore the knowledge and current applications of CBT in diverse clinical fields and provide in-depth experience and education with high quality workshops run by esteemed professionals. For further details and information on the new, reduced registration fees you can visit our webpage .
Stay connected with us via our social media: Facebook: @EABCT2020Athens, Instagram: eabct2020athens, Twitter: @EABCT_2020, Youtube: EABCT2020-Athens
Looking forward to virtually meet in Athens,
The Organizing Committee